Trusty Cars and Credit puts you in the driver’s seat regardless of your past credit history-no credit check is required. With the "Share-A-Ride" program we don’t care about your past credit blemishes. No credit, slow credit, past bankruptcies are no problem. Lease with us and never worry about negative equity again.
We care about your current income, current job time, how long you’ve lived at your current address and if you have a valid Driver's License. We provide an unmatched customer service experience and allow online payments.
Down payments as low as $750 at delivery and depends on vehicle selected, and payments can be aligned with your pay dates. Lease terms range from 24 to 36 months, and you have the option to return the vehicle early without damaging your credit. If your job or family situation changes, bring your original vehicle back and we will make you a deal on another vehicle that fits your new situation.
Lease through Premier Capital Investment Group. Approval is based on job history, current payment to income, residence location and time in the area. Other restrictions may apply.
Mail received to current resident, or rental agreement or mortgage holder May be used for address verification. See dealer for details.
Down Payments are based on a percentage of what we have in the vehicle, job time, and residence time.